Code of Ethics

Adopted October 2009

Reviewed May, 2014

This Member Code of Ethics sets forth the principles and standards that shall guide each member of the Plumbing Manufacturers International. Members recognize that ethical standards are essential to building and maintaining the respect of customers, constituents, governmental officials and regulators, the communities in which members operate and the public-at-large.

Integrity – Member companies recognize that their most valuable asset is a reputation for integrity. They will hold to a single high standard of integrity by keeping their word, not promising more than they can deliver, and not making commitments that they do not intend to keep. Member companies will demonstrate through the adoption of their own policies or codes of conduct their respect for each other, their customers, their constituents, their communities, their industry, the broader private sector involved in providing plumbing products and the public-at-large. They will promote the benefits of their industry and the Plumbing Manufacturers International, honor the public trust and not engage in disparagement of their industry or the broader private sector.

Environment and Employee Health and Safety – Member companies are dedicated to providing a clean and safe environment in which to live and work. They comply with applicable laws and regulations in both “letter and spirit,” establish, maintain and follow responsible policies and practices, and respond promptly to inquiries about environmental and safety issues relating to their products and services.

Relationships with Competitors – Member companies support laws prohibiting restraints of trade, unfair practices, and abuse of economic powers.

Member companies comply with the antitrust laws of the United States and other jurisdictions, where applicable, and ensure that their employees understand the provisions of these laws.

Relationships with Public Officials – In dealing with public officials, as with other business associates, member companies will always use ethical commercial practices. They will not seek to influence the sale of products or services by payments of bribes, kickbacks or other questionable inducements.

Product Compliance – Member products will comply with applicable federal, state and local codes, standards and requirements regarding materials, performance, contaminants and other criteria and will be tested and certified by the appropriate agencies as necessary.

Lobbying Activities – Member companies recognize our system of representative government makes the practice of lobbying possible. Members will comply with the laws and regulations governing lobbying and observe the highest standards of conduct when dealing with federal, state and local government officials. Members will not engage in misrepresentations of any nature.

Member Policies and Codes of Conduct – To ensure adherence to the principles of the Plumbing Manufacturers International Members Code of Ethics, the member company below acknowledges that, by its signature, it has read and understood this Code of Ethics and its message and will abide by the appropriate policies or codes of conduct for their businesses addressing and aiding in their compliance with applicable laws, regulations and governmental requirements relating to antitrust and competition matters, conflicts of interest, discrimination, equal employment opportunity, employment practices and child labor laws, environment laws and actions, export control laws, foreign payments, gifts and favors, government contracts, legal obligations and compliance, political activity and contributions, sexual harassment and workplace safety.