Ripple Effect

Published monthly primarily but not exclusively for employees of Plumbing Manufacturers International member companies, Ripple Effect provides original, in-depth coverage of PMI and its events and activities. This publicly available print and online newsletter covers PMI's involvement and advocacy on technical, legislative and regulatory issues affecting PMI members. The publication also highlights the involvement of individuals on PMI committees and other initiatives.

While Ripple Effect articles may mention PMI companies within the context of a PMI, altruistic or industry initiative, the publication does not publish promotional articles about companies' products or services. Ripple Effect does accept advertising from members wishing to promote these kinds of services to other members.

Inside My PMI

Published every two weeks exclusively for employees of Plumbing Manufacturers International member companies, Inside My PMI briefly summarizes pre-published information about PMI events and activities, PMI member news, industry events, and industry issues and trends. Delivered via email to PMI members and posted in the members-only section of, Inside My PMI summarizes and links to articles or information published on or another web site.

While Inside My PMI's editors keep an eye open for published news about PMI companies, PMI members are encouraged to submit links to published information about company news, services or products for inclusion in Inside My PMI. Placement in the newsletter is up to the editor's discretion.

Inside My PMI also publishes a calendar of upcoming PMI committee calls and events and publishes links to summaries of past meetings. Inside My PMI accepts advertising from members wishing to promote their services within the newsletter's format.

This website provides information about safe, responsible plumbing for the general public and includes a members-only portal for Plumbing Manufacturers International (PMI) members. The public part of the web includes information about water and plumbing issues affecting everyday Americans, as well as general information about PMI, industry events and plumbing products. The members-only part includes a membership directory, as well as publications and reports. Employees of PMI-member companies can gain log-in credentials here. accepts advertising from PMI members wishing to promote their services to other members.

PMI's Social Media Platforms – LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook

While Plumbing Manufacturers International maintains a presence on Twitter and Facebook, the association uses LinkedIn as its primary social media platform. PMI has a LinkedIn company page, which PMI members are encouraged to follow, as well as a group page.

The difference between the two pages is the company page is public and the group page is open only to those who request permission and who are approved to join. PMI grants permission to anyone with a background or interest in plumbing manufacturing while excluding those without this interest who seem mainly interested in marketing their products and services.

PMI also accepts posts from members for publication on its group page. Once joining the group, members need only write a post on the page for approval by the group's moderator. PMI does not accept posts for non-members.

PMI Member News

Plumbing Manufacturers International lists pre-published news releases or news items about PMI member companies on the PMI Member News web page. PMI members are encouraged to submit links to these items via email to PMI communications team member Ray Valek at, and they can be included on this page. New items are summarized every two weeks in Inside My PMI.

PMI News Releases

These news releases summarize summarize events, activities and positions of the association.