2017 PMI Conference

PMI’s Conference attracts representatives/attendees from leading industry players. These are the top executives and technical experts in the U.S. plumbing industry.

Five Reasons to Exhibit at PMI’s Conference

  1. Benefit from a wider reach 
    The most influential group of industry leaders from the top manufacturers across the country.
  2. Build relationships with attendees 
    Get direct and face-to-face access to key decision-makers before, during and after the event.
  3. Enhance your corporate image
    Show your support and commitment to the plumbing industry.
  4. Gain insight to industry issues
    Your sponsorship entitles you to registration at this closed conference.
  5. Showcase your latest technology and services
    Demonstrate your products and services in front of plumbing industry leaders.

Download the Sponsorship Brochure to learn more.

Learn about sponsorship opportunities for the President's Dinner Honoring Barbara C. Higgens.

Thank you to our conference sponsors!

American Society of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE)

BNP Media/Supply House Times

CSA Group

Global OEM




NSF International

TMB/Plumbing Engineer

World Vision

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